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Corporate Partnerships

Corporate Partnership Program

Sometimes we wonder how we can make a difference where we live. Your partnership with KSBJ and NGEN can do just that. You are impacting families, single moms, working dads, children, grandmas and grandpas. You are helping to touch lives and transform generations every day with God’s love.

Partners just like yourself help our ministry share the good news of Jesus across Houston. That’s why we’re presenting you this special invitation – to ask you to be part of the ministry and outreach of KSBJ and NGEN.

Corporate Partnership Program Opportunities

Streaming Pre-roll

Streaming pre-roll is a recorded paid audio acknowledgement, up to 12 seconds in length. When a listener starts to stream KSBJ or NGEN through a digital device, your acknowledgement will play before the music begins via the website player, mobile app and/or smart-speaker.

Live Read Underwriting

Live Read Underwriting are acknowledgements that are read live on air by our DJ’s, also known as “live reads”.

Recorded Segment Underwriting

Recorded Segment Underwriting are pre-recorded acknowledgements that run at the end of an on-air program, each time the program airs on KSBJ or NGEN.

Corporate Sponsorships

Thinking beyond traditional radio mentions, Corporate Sponsorships is a unique way for your business to partner with KSBJ, NGEN (KXNG), KSBJ Special Events, and/or Ticket Servant.

Business Team Listing

The Business Team Listing is a directory that features an organization’s logo, contact information and link to home page.

Recorded Non-Profit Service Announcements

Recorded Non-Profit Service Announcements are pre-recorded spots that share information that is meaningful to our audience and raises awareness for our non-profit Partner and/or their cause.

Fill out the form for more information on the Corporate Partnership Program