
Sponsor a child in Jesus’ name with Compassion International.

Children in poverty need support now more than ever. And Compassion sponsorship is a powerful solution to that problem. It connects a child to their local church where they receive support for necessities like food,medical care, education and more.

Greater Houston Prayer Breakfast 2024

We are excited to invite you to the 49th Annual Greater Houston Prayer Breakfast, presented by KSBJ and featuring the renowned author, speaker, and storyteller Carlos Whittaker.

Mr. Bill Prize Pack Giveaway

Sign up for your chance to win a Bill Ingram travel mug, air freshener, and FREE donuts from Shipley Do-Nut.


hope is always here

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”- Hebrews 10:23 

Our Hope is always here, because God listens.

Compassion International

Rachelle & Carder in the Morning

Helping Houston

Helping Houston

UPDATE: To report damage to your home or business, email damage.tdem.texas.gov. If your home has been affected by flooding, the Harris County Office of Emergency Management has a number you can call to get debris picked up. It's 713-274-3880. You can also...

Midday’s With Denise

Praying for the same thing again. And again.

Praying for the same thing again. And again.

There are so many things I wish I could one and done. Taxes. Organizing the pantry. Completing my to-do list. Getting upset over things that aren't a big deal. Forgiveness. They all get to me, but especially forgiveness. It's hard when you've prayed and prayed and you...

Morgan in the Afternoons

God is not mad at you!

God is not mad at you!

Sometimes life is hard and we can get all kinds of troubling messages in our minds. Josh Wilson, one of our KSBJ artists, shared a sweet little video reminder today about some simple truths that I found helpful (and maybe made me cry just a little bit, but in a good...

Spiritual Assesment Quiz

This brief Spiritual Growth Assessment will give you helpful insights and feedback for your spiritual journey.

Request Prayer

God listens, it’s more than a catchy phrase. The ministry of KSBJ is committed to praying for the needs of you and your family because we truly believe God listens.

Stay Connected

We’d love to get to know you and interact with you more through email and text!

Volunteer Opportunities