Free Food for Kids this Summer

Free Food for Kids this Summer

Summer is here! It might not officially be summer on the calendar just yet, but the kids are out of school and the heat has arrived – so close enough. Grocery prices have skyrocketed and for any kids who typically are able to get a free lunch at school, summer...
A Childhood’s Worth of Voicemails

A Childhood’s Worth of Voicemails

When Pailey Baczek was just three years old, she left her grandmother a voicemail – and grandma kept it. She also kept about 18 other messages that Pailey has left her over the years and it’s turned into a cool time capsule of Pailey’s childhood. The...
God is not mad at you!

God is not mad at you!

Sometimes life is hard and we can get all kinds of troubling messages in our minds. Josh Wilson, one of our KSBJ artists, shared a sweet little video reminder today about some simple truths that I found helpful (and maybe made me cry just a little bit, but in a good...

Hope in Unemployment

Losing your job can absolutely shake your world. It leads to a lot of self-reflection and questions about how things could have been different, you may start second guessing yourself. To complicate matters, we often get our identities wrapped up in what we do and it...